Monday, October 15, 2007

Simplicity is Bliss

That is a gumamela that you see. I took it on October 11, bisperas del Zamboanga Hermosa Festival. It was on display in the botanical show in Plaza Pershing. Every time I look at this, it never fails to amaze me. A gumamela is pretty too, especially this one. I have bubbly memories on gumamela. We used to pick this flower, pound it until its sticky juice becomes inviting. We prepare in some separate container a soap and water solution. We mix this with the pounded gumamela and get ourselves a stick from the walis tingting, make a loop at its soft end. And have a bubble party! Oh joy! But seeing this gumamela, I don't have the heart to pound it. It' s so pretty. This is one proof that the beautiful things in life are those that are simple. Pure joy!
Like this other photo. We went to Zamboanga's boulevard to have balot. Life can't get any better than this. I couldn't simply find the words to express the joy I felt that day.
It's not really the balot. Any given day, any given time, any given place, if you are with your closest friends, that's pure bliss. And it's amazing really. Who ever knew that we would meet and be friends and have that balot session in the boulevard?


FF said...

hmm very masipag na blog! hehe.

saw ur link via ryan elumba's blog... numa tu cansa iscribi, manada ghost readers lurking around... como yo... hehehe :)

Ciriaco said...

hi fli!!! mejo busy lang kaya noay tanto update! finals kasi eh! pati maka huya man write...hehehhe...